The Little Way Homeless Outreach
"The Little Way" Homeless Outreach hands out a bag of potato chips and a package of peanut butter and cheese crackers to homeless people on the streets. We hand out socks and water to those who need them. We also sometimes hand out the miraculous medal which is free from 'The Little Way" is from Saint Therese, "The Little Flower" who teaches us that we can do small things to make a positive difference. This project is funded by donations that are currently not tax deductible. All funds go to operating expenses. Currently we are serving chips, crackers and socks and water in Berkeley CA. We have served the homeless over 18,000 times since March 14, 2018. The photos of homeless people on this page do not show faces out of respect for privacy. We accept donations but would be just as happy if people
would buy some supplies to hand out to homeless people in their community.To help the homeless in Berkeley donate at GoFundMe at
If the donation site does not work due to a glitch please email
for other donation options.
Car loaded with socks, crackers chips and delivery sign |
Homeless Jesus - No Place To Rest and .org
A food for the homeless charity outreach project
Website 3/24/18 (c) J Mancini 2018
Thanks to Noanie, Mark, Lorraine, Maria, Bret, Eugene, Howard, Family and Friends
Updated 11/17/24